Saturday, February 4, 2012

Master of living in the moment - meet the Wolf (Volk)

If I had to choose one thing that helped me overcome my infertility the most, that would be for sure my beloved dog. He has many nick names, my favourite one is the Wolf (=Volk in our language). He came into our life as 6-week-old puppy. And now he is already 5 years old. We love him so much!

I remember that after all failed IVF treatments (especially the ones at the beginning) I was so heartbroken that I just couldn't bear all the sadness any more. But, taking the Wolf for a long walk through the forrest always did miracles. He helped me to gain strenght from the happy moments we had together. Because with my dog I realized that not everything is black. That I just have to focus on all the happy moments that I can get. And getting plenty of physical excersise really does wonders!

The Wolf is really a master of living in the moment. He doesn't have any regrets or sorrows for the past. And he doesn't have any worries for the future. All there exists for him is: NOW.

So, who says that humans are the most advanced living beings on the Earth? I still have so much to learn from my Wolf!


  1. Volk and I share an anniversary/birthday. Since meeting him last summer I felt we had something in common. Now I know what connects us.

    Yes, I've long felt that animals' ability to live in the moment is a gift. There were many days i took long walks to help in my healing and wished I had a furry companion. Perhaps he'll agree to be my virtual pet?

    1. from Volk to Pamela:

      dear Pamela,
      I would love to be your virtual pet!
      Under one condition:
      That you visit me at least once every two years :)

      kind regards to you & viele liebe GrĂ¼ssen an deinen Mann :)

    2. My dog, Elroy, really helped me get through some of the worst of my infertility/hysterectomy days too. I love your blog Klara!

  2. I love Wolf's eyes. So pretty. He is also very smart about living for now.

    1. yes, his eyes are really beautiful.
      When I was younger I loved TV series Komissar Rex (it is Austrian TV sery about the German Shepherd who works for the police). I always wished to have a German Shepherd, but I never thought that I will have one.
      So - do you see - some wishes do come true :)

  3. Thanks for sharing this post... :) I agree with you- It did help immensely with having my Lola and Hairy with me after surgery; they give unconditional love, warm bodies to cuddle and get kisses, and reminders that no matter what happens, they are still there for you.

    1. you are even luckier - to have two of them.
      Yes, unconditional love is rare in this world. It is great to have it!
