Saturday, January 26, 2013

To take each day as it comes

First of all - thank you for all your kind wishes. My DH does not read my blog, but he did read your comments and he was touched. I guess he didn't even imagine how many kind readers his wife has.

I learned some new things in the last few days.

Creatinine is the most specific test for kidney disease. When creatinine is elevated above the normal range (usually 141 µmol/L), this generally means that there is a problem with the kidneys.

Early Renal Insufficiency: In general, creatinine values up to around 177 µmol/L
Moderate Kidney Disease: Values from 177 to 442 µmol/L
Severe Kidney Failure: Values above 442 µmol/L

Wolf's values were 850  µmol/L three days ago and after the treatment 700  µmol/L.

Those tests reminded me on the times when I was on a crazy IVF-roller coaster. When I had tons of different tests. How I always hoped for a miracle to happen, but it never did.

The vet said that based only on tests (without seeing the dog) he would recommend euthanasia. But looking at the dog, he still sees joy and willingness to live. And he has good appetite, which is good. We decided to continue the treatment. The vet said that there is still a hope for him.

I spent the afternoon cuddling him, sitting with him and reading. It was lovely to be with him.

We decided to take each day as it comes. To enjoy every moment with him that we can.


  1. Your love alone will channel healing comfort. Give him a nuzzle from us...

  2. Klara,
    I am so sorry to hear the diagnosis. As Pamela said, your love will bring him comfort and you will shepherd him through his journey with love and tenderness. I continue to wrap you and Wolf in prayer, warmth and light as you walk these days together.

  3. Oh Klara, I'm so sad to read this news. As a person who works with dogs I know how precious they are, a real family member. Your love for him shines through and he is lucky to have you.

  4. Cherish each day with Wolf- Stay in the present, don't think about past or future. *HUGS*

  5. dear girls,
    thanks for the kind comments.
    We spent whole day with the Wolf.
    It was beautiful & sad at the same time.
    I won't be blogging for another few days (hopefully weeks), I want to spend as much time with him as I can.

  6. today's value: 570. The Wolf is improving.
    He might get better, the vet said today.

  7. Hang in there! We had a puppy that we were told to "put to sleep" at 3 months old because of kidney failure/underdeveloped kidneys. We got a second opinion, and that vet gave him 12-18 months to live. Our Onslo lived a very happy eight years. Never underestimate how your care and love can encourage our fur friends to be strong and happy. Take care of you (and DH & especially Wolf...)

  8. I'm GLAD to know he's improving. He's a lucky pet to have owners like you and hubby.
