Friday, January 4, 2013

A secret

Have you read my description:

I am a 40-something European woman doing what I once thought wasn't possible: finding happiness after infertility. While it's been a long, difficult and emotional journey (10 unsuccessful IVF treatments), each day I take another step down the path toward a fulfilling new life. This is my story of reinvention.

Everything there is true except one thing: I am not 40 yet. I will be in few months. ***
I don't want to hurt anyone who is over 40 and still TTC.... but for me personally, 40 is the limit for having a child.

So I guess this year will be quite hard for me.

***I wrote it like this since I knew it would be painful for me to change it from: almost 40 to 40-something... I like to make things easier.


  1. (((HUGS))) Milestones are tough indeed - some more than others.

    And I understand that it's easier to write 40-something rather than almost 40 he he...

    1. dear Amel, thank you for the hugs.
      Hugs to you as well!

  2. I know . . .for me, turning 40 was not the fun milestone of my friends and peers. For me, it was a painful reminder of what I didn't have. Be gentle with yourself during this transition. One day at a time.


    1. Dear Kelly,
      thank you for your kind words!
      In the darkest days of my infertily, few years ago, this was exactly my moto: One day at a time.
      I couldn't bare the thought how will I survive the year. But one day at a time - that I could handle.

  3. Hugs to you,Klara:)
    Milestones is always tough.
    Try to do something nice for yourself the next months. Read a book, take some SPA, drink some wine, bought some new clothes, and fallow your motto: One day at a time.
