Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sad days

I have spent many of the last few days alone: cycling and working in my vegetable garden. Being outside, on fresh air and sun really does wonders. 

My DH is busy, taking care of his dying father.  It is very sad to see my husband sad. And it is sad to see a dear person slowly saying goodbye to life.

I am exactly half the age of my dear father-in-law. Which means that half of my life is probably already over and I am already in the second half of my life (knocking on the wood & praying that nothing bad happens). I realized that I am not willing to waste even  one single day more on being sad because my infertility. You can't always have what you want, it is just the fact of life. And I have to make most of it what I have.

Yes. My life is not what I hoped and planned it would be. But it does not mean it is not beautiful.  

PS.  Memories of beautiful traveling always lift my spirit. Photo was taken in London, few years ago. And what also helps is thinking of all the places I would love to visit one day.


  1. I am sorry you and DH are going through this. But when things like this happen (or other things - a friend has just lost her daughter), it is always a good reminder that we have to make the most of what we have, because we never know when we might lose it. You're reminding me to think of that too. So thank you. And best wishes to your DH.

    1. dear Mali, thank you for your kind words. And I am so sorry for your friend.

  2. Klara, (((HUGS))). Sorry to hear about your DH and his father, but I'm glad that they have time to spend together. Reminds me of last year when my FIL passed away. Wise words about making the most of what you have left.

  3. Having met your lovely father-in-law, I can well understand the sadness and worry that you and your DH are experiencing. Keeping you in my thoughts. xo

    1. dear Pamela,
      thank you a lot.
      We are visiting him today after cycling tour.
