Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring has come

Do you know the name of this flower in English? I do not know it... but these flowers are now everywhere.... the sign, that spring has come. Slovenian name for them is "zvončki".

I love spring. And I feel good. I have just booked a room for us in a nice bed and breakfast in Kuala Lumpur (for the first two nights and for the last two nights). It costs only 33 USD / room / night.  This BB has great reviews on Tripadvisor.

I finished reading a novel "The memory keeper's daughter" that I took from Mattie's rich library (thanks, Mattie!). I liked it. I like novels that describe complicated family relationships.

I came home yesterday from a short, two-day-business trip with a coworker who is my age and has two kids. I like being with her, she is really nice. And she explained how exhausted she always feels, working full time and then coming home to two small kids and she feels she just doesn't have any energy left most of the time. She envied my time that I spend on travelling, reading and long walks. And of course I envy her two beautiful daughters. It is just fact of life that it is impossible (for most of the people) to have it ALL.  But, I wasn't sad or anything. It just made me appreciate the things that I do have in my life.

I have to stop writting.... I have a date in one hour with a friend of mine (single, childfree) and with a dog of mine :)  We will go for a long walk.


  1. Those flowers are called "snowdrops" in English.
    I hope you have a lovely day :-)

    1. yes, now I remember the word: snowdrops. Thanks!
      The walk was lovely. We walked for almost four hours and now I am exhausted... It is such a great feeling... to do something for the body & mind. And it was nice to catch up with a friend.
