Sunday, March 7, 2021

Longing in my eyes


I went for a long walk through the forest yesterday. I really love walking!  I took this photo, I adore the very first spring flowers. 

I was thinking how therapeutic it was for me writing my blog. I have been writing it for 9 years, so far I have written 947 posts. 

I would like to thank you, my dear readers, for reading my blog. Without you I would have stopped writing years ago.

There are many posts that meant a lot to me. This is my favourite post, I wrote it 6 years ago:

I don't know what touched me the most. Perhaps that a complete stranger saw the longing in my eyes.  He got me and many people whom I have known for ages never had.

While thinking about this dinner, I remembered that he wrote me few weeks ago but I forgot to return the text. So I called him yesterday when walking. He was happy to hear me and we had a nice chat .... he was alone walking as well.  Perhaps I can be for him a bit of a daughter he never had.


  1. This is so beautiful. I love the connection that you have with this man who "got" you, and I love that he is still there to talk 6 years later (I was sad when in the first post he had been diagnosed with cancer). The crocuses are gorgeous, too.

  2. You know I love your picture! :) And, thanks to Jess, now I know they are crocuses. :) Very very pretty.

    I also left a comment on your post from 2015. Wow, you wrote that six years already... Just four days before I learned that my final IVF did not result in pregnancy for me.

    Thank you for writing and for continuing to write. You have helped me so, so much my friend. <3

  3. Wow, nine years! How time flies. And yet, I feel as if I've known you for such a long time too. lol

    I'm so glad you're still in contact with the man. He needed someone to understand him too, so I'm glad you found each other.

    Beautiful flowers - and what fun to go back and see your photo of Portofino too. I like knowing where that photo was taken!

  4. How nice that you are still in touch with that man!

    Like Mali, I can't believe you've been writing 9 years! Congratulations! I love your photo too -- prairie crocuses are the official flower of my home province, Manitoba. :) I didn't realize they grew in Europe too! A sure sign of spring!

    1. dear Loribeth, yes, it will be already 10 years this December! I didn't know you are from Manitoba. I was passing through Manitoba on Viarail on our honeymoon trip, we stopped in Winnipeg. We loved the landscape!
