Saturday, September 3, 2016

Great cycling tour to Italian alpine lakes

It was first day of school this week. It was hard, as each year. It makes me aware of all the things I will never get to experience.

So I treated myself with beautiful cycling tour with my husband today.


Bellow are some of my favourite photos. I am lucky to live in a country where nature is so beautiful.


  1. So cool! I am glad that you go to go cycling and spend time with DH!

    Hugs for all of the back to school stuff. It's hard. I understand.

  2. The pictures are beautiful. I am glad you had a good day cycling.
    The beginning of school: those reminders never stop, do they :-(? You did well treating yourself to something you enjoyed.

    1. Exactly, those reminders just never stop. I am afraid they might stop in 10 years. Then I will have perhaps few years without reminders. And then my friends will start getting first grandchildren and everything will repeat again.

  3. Lovely Slovenia! I adore the hay racks. And I wish I had seen that bridge.

    1. dear Mali,
      I hope you will visit us again! I promise to show you that bridge.

  4. Incredible views! I'm amazed at your stamina at riding your bike, Klara! :-)

  5. Oh my – these photos are gorgeous!!!
    I recognise the hay racks from one of your earlier posts about Grohar’s painting of “The Sower”.
    Cycling seems a great way to see your part of the world.
