Friday, July 5, 2013


If it was winter, those two conversations would put me in really bad mood.

Yesterday I went to wellness center, to have a pedicure (a luxury that I afford twice a summer). The lady who was making a pedicure was very chatty (I am not). She was chatting about her holidays plans and then out of blue she asked: "Do you have any little babies?".  I just responded "No." and continued to read a magazine.

Some days ago a coworker from another department returned from 10-day-holidays. I asked her if she had good holidays (she was very stressed out before going). And her answer was: "You know how it is with two kids. I am even more tired as before."   I didn't answer anything, I got to the work part. But what I really wanted to do was scream: "No, I don't know how it is to have two kids!!!"

But it is beautiful warm sunny summer so things like that put me in a bad mood for ten minutes and then I am OK. 

There are so many beautiful things that I did in the last 7 days:
- 3 cycling tours (one including an elevation of 450 meters). Feeling great after cycling!
- picking up blueberries in the forest
- spending lots of time with beloved Wolf
- picking up my very first peas and cooking delicious pea-risotto


  1. LOVE the beautiful things you've got to do! :-D Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  2. I'm glad the comments didn't get to you. The power of sun, vitamin D and warmth! Oh, and blueberry picking!

  3. There are plenty of comments that make we want to scream, but good on you for not letting them ruin your beautiful day! :)
