Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I survived

I survived Niagara falls being blue.
I survived the royal infant being born.
It was quite easy. I just did not watch any TV news, didn't read any site with news.

Things that helped:
- swimming whole day in one of the most beautiful lakes yesterday: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Bohinj 
- cycling today after work


  1. I guess I'm not the only one in the world bitter about the royal baby. But I'm just bitter about anyone who can have kids. That's just me. Glad you survived, and seemingly thrived. Gorgeous lake!

  2. Ditto. I had put some friends on hide during the royal baby crap since they shared the announcement of pregnancy back then. Of course, I had to avoid facebook nevertheless since there were some folks... I managed to find a meme going "We fought for independence, so we wouldn't have to care about the royal baby."

  3. Actually I was pretty curious about the baby - wanting to know the gender and the name he he...
