Thursday, May 2, 2013

Seriously, how many?

Seriously, how many Mothers' Day are there in a year? 
I just got a newsletter from the New York Times with a special offer:
30% off a subscription for moms who love to be in the know

I did what I always do when I get a special offer for moms: I block that sender for good!

(message to marketing department of the New York Times: not all women are moms!!! I just thought I might let you know - just in case you haven't heard that before)


  1. Yes, these annoying offers are completely dismissive of women who are not mothers but still consume news. Fortunately, I get to celebrate May 12 with a woman whom I admire - you! Let's turn conventional wisdom on its head and fete our tribe of women...

    1. dear Pamela,
      I am looking forward to beautiful Saturday & Sunday with you on magic Dalmatian coast. Can't believe how time flew by - it is May already!
