Saturday, November 19, 2022

When everything magically falls into place where it belongs


Someone has written how good it is not to know what lies ahead. It is not only good, it is excellent and necessary. Does anyone's life go the way they imagined it would when they were in their twenties? Probably no one. But that is not tragic at all. Life is varied, it is interesting, and we need to be aware of everything that is happening to us all the time. The whole art of life is to be able to face what is coming at every moment, even if it is sometimes unpleasant and something we would have gladly avoided.
At least for myself, I can say that I find that everything that happens to me is part of my life story, and I would never have planned it that way. If we had known what was coming, we would have been afraid of it all along. But in this way, at the right time, step by step, we are gaining the strength to face it. For me, that is a true miracle.

Written by: Metka Klevišar

There is so much wisdom in books in many different languages around the world that never get to be translated into English or any other important language. So I am sharing this beautiful text with you.

I have recently read a book in Slovenian language (it hasn't been translated) by a Slovenian doctor, Ms. Metka Klevišar. The title of the book is "Everyone has their own story, this is mine". I loved the title and I loved the book! After that I read another book, I translated one page from it so you could read as well. 

Ms. Metka Klevišar was born in 1944.  She got MS already when studying medicine, but she didn't let her disease define her. She worked all her life as a leading oncologist, she was active also in many other areas of life. She is childless (but this doesn't define her either).

Here is her blog in Slovenian language:

With the help of translater:

it is very easy to read it! 


  1. Dear Klara,
    Thank you for the beautiful quote and the link!
    How powerful and inspiring <3.
    Wishing you a cozy evening and a good start into the new week!

  2. "There is so much wisdom in books in many different languages around the world that never get to be translated into English or any other important language." You are so wise! I try to read authors from all over the world, but even then I am restricted by those who have had their works translated.

    Thank you so much for sharing that. I love her quote. And I just found this on her blog too, and I really like it. "... there are those who, when they help others, feel a sense of superiority over those who need help. That's why it's a good idea to keep your motives in check."
