Friday, September 16, 2022

Our stories


Our stories:


My story "The letter to you":




  1. Dear Klara,

    Thank you for contributing to World Childless Week. And for sharing your story. And for writing here on this blog for so long <3.

    Much love!

  2. Thank you, Klara. I know your letter will help others. Your picture alone will help others. When I first started reading your blog (7 or 8 years ago!), it was your beautiful pictures that prompted me to think about what I wanted out of my childless life. Because of your inspiration and my hard work, I moved out of the city and created a new life for myself in the mountains. Thank you endlessly. I did not know I could be happy again, but you showed me it was possible. <3

    1. Dear Elaine and Phoenix, thank you for your kind comments <3

  3. As I said on the site, I loved this! And I love the inspiration you have given others.

  4. Thank you for the reminder, dear Klara, and congrats on your contribution :-)
    I missed this year's WCW because I was learning so much for my exams. It is such a comforting feeling to see that we build this strong community all over the world.
