Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dalmatia, Croatia


 I have just come back from a lovely week in Dalmatia with my husband. I know many of you love seeing my holiday photos, so I am sharing my favourite three photos with you.

One day we went on a walk around Lovište, half island Pelješac and we came across a beautiful tombstone. There it was written in Croatian:

Ovdje je pokopano moje milo zlato, koje preminulo od kužne bolesti na 5.11.1918. Ožalošćeni otac Marko Popović postavi

Translation would be:

My sweet girl, who died of infectious disease on November 5, 1918, is buried here. Grieving father Marko Popović 

(moje milo zlato / is such a beautiful expression, I can't translate it good enough).  

We were admiring this beautiful tomb in the most wonderful nature you can imagine in silence. I was thinking about all the sadness that there once was. And how everything ends, also sadness.  

We were alone on that spot when suddenly an old couple came along. The man told us that he is a  nephew (or great-nephew) of a girl who is burried there. Her name was Ursula Popović, she died when 11. 


Second photo: our beach in Pelješac, opposite is town Korčula, island Korčula (according to some theories Marco Polo was born here).

Third photo: island Hvar, view from the balcony of our rented apartment.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I see more of the world because of your pictures. I'm glad you and your husband had a good holiday!

  2. What a gorgeous view from your apartment! And the beach. Sigh. I have fond memories of my all too brief time in/on the Adriatic!

    The tombstone site is so beautiful, as is the the translation of the inscription, and speaks about the pain of the father. How amazing that you then met a relative of the girl! And how lovely that they still remember her.

    I hope you both had a wonderful rest, after such a difficult time recently.

    1. Dar Mali, yes, you are my anonymous <3
      What was also amazing is that the nephew who told us the story about Ursula now lives in Australia and he was only on holidays. We were very grateful that he shared the story with us.

  3. What a poignant story, about the little girl's grave -- and what an amazing coincidence that those relatives happened to be there at the same time as you! -- especially all the way from Australia!

    Your photos are gorgeous as always, Klara!

  4. Dear Klara,

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures! I am glad you had a nice holiday.
    What a sad story but how special that you met those relatives!

    Wishing you a lovely Sunday.
