Monday, April 26, 2021

A pandemic activity Nº1

I am so happy  - I've just got the first vaccine against covid19. My age group isn't entitled to get a vaccine yet, but an older person didn't show up for his or her appointment so they had one vaccine available. I got a phone call that if I can come immediately, I will get the vaccine. Of course I came immediately :) 

I haven't been working due to the pandemic for whole six months. And another month of non-working luxury is in front of me. I will start working again in the first week of June. 

So I thought I could share with you my favourite things that I've been doing during the pandemic. Things, that I always wanted to do but never had enough time. I will write one activity each day. First I wanted to write one post, but the post would be too long :) 

So here it is, a pandemic activity Nº1: Daily walks in the nature. I went for a walk almost literally every day (the only exception were few days when it was raining cats and dogs).  

I installed on my mobile a step counter, my daily average number of steps for the last   180 days:   10.750 steps. All those steps were done in the nature, there are many beautiful walking trails very close to our home. 

It feels just great, having enough time for a daily exercise.


  1. Oooh, I'm loving this idea of your posts. I look forward to them. Yay, to a daily walk in nature.

    And double triple yay that you have had the vaccine. Is this a one dose or two dose vaccine? (I'm always relieved when friends report they've had it.)

    1. I got a Pfizer vaccine, so I already have a date for a second vaccine in 3 weeks time.

  2. Dear Klara, this is such good news! I am happy for you :-).
    Not working during the pandemic probably wasn't always easy, but I am glad that you could go for nice daily walks :-).

    1. thank you for your kind words. Yes, there were times that it wasn't easy. I fully started to enjoy my non-working time now, that I got the first vaccine and that I got the exact date when I will start working again.

  3. That's great you got your first dose of the vaccine!!

    I look forward to reading about your pandemic activities. I'm glad you've gone for daily walks. Walking is so good for us! I should do it too.

    You know I love your picture. :)))

  4. Hooray for vaccination! I have so enjoyed your wildflower pictures, and to walk in nature is such a pandemic antidote. I've just finished reading your pandemic activity posts in reverse, and I love how you have used your time and make the best of things!

  5. Oh, I'm so glad you got your first vaccine! :) And I am looking forward to reading the rest of your activity posts! We have not been very good about walking since last summer... but I'm hoping to start again soon! Good for you!
