Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A pandemic activity Nº8



I have been using the pandemic free time to literally go anywhere I can with my bike instead of taking the car. We had a long and cold winter so many times it wasn't possible. But still, so far I've cycled 373 km this year.

My goal for the 2021: to cycle at least 2021 km :) 




PS: the photo above is from last autumn: Alpe Adria Cycling Trail


  1. This picture is poetic. :)

    I'm not much of a bike rider, but I do want to get out more now that the weather is getting nicer.

  2. It's wonderful that you are using the available time and (hopefully) better weather to go cycling! Our spring has been rather chilly and/or rainy so far...

    Much love!

  3. I always remember you telling me that you cycled the mountain road that we drove over on our way back to Italy. I was in awe! You are an impressive cyclist. And I love the photo too.

    There's a national cycle trail here. My sister has done part of it (Alps to Ocean), and we often see signs for various trails in our travels. I looked at one trail as we drove past, and said, "I'd like to bike along that trail. Maybe on an e-bike. Maybe for an hour!" DH agreed. lol Perhaps when you are retired, you could do it here.

    1. dear Mali, it would be our dream to cycle one day in NZ!!
