Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

Wishing Merry Christmas to all my readers who celebrate it. 

Thank you to all who took time to write to me. I got 6 very kind emails from France, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, New Mexico and from north of the USA.  They mean a world to me!

But the first email that I got, wasn't  really nice. The reader from the north of Europe told me that my blog is often very bitter.  Guess what? I know it is bitter (sometimes). I don't need anybody telling me that. 


I was working very hard lately. I worked yesterday until the evening and then I cycled to Ljubljana's city centre... which is just magic with Christmas lights. I took some photos for you.

I loved walking around the city centre. Enjoying the moment. 


I am now 6 days off work. What a luxury! 


  1. I don't think you're bitter. You're allowed to feel sad about your situation from time to time. I think you have a wonderful attitude.

    We loved Broadchurch too! Haven't seen the other show yet. It's always nice in winter to snuggle up with good movies or TV series, when it's cold and dark outside. Enjoy!

  2. Hi Klara,
    A blog about life with infertility that contains bitterness? Who would have guessed?
    This is the reality of our life. Those of us who are travelling this road with you know we have our good days and our not so good days. We are all looking for ways to make the coping more manageable and the moving forward that much more painless.
    I think I’ve done more healing in the last 3 months reading these blogs than I have in the least ten years without them.
    To read the reality of it as you tell it is crucial. It lets me know that my feelings are natural, that my trying to cope will have its ups and downs; that some days will feel like a never ending battle, and that I’m not the only one who feels like this.
    I don’t feel good that you have bad days but it gives me a connection to you when I have bad days. It tells me I’m not alone; that I belong to a group out there who understand and experience these same feelings.

    Okay, time to put that glass of wine down now...

    The Christmas lights look amazing, bright and crisp against the night sky.
    Enjoy your week off. It sounds like you will make a good start with your renewed Netflix!

    Hahaha... your Angelina comment (truly?...shakes my head), I haven’t seen any of her films, is she a good actress? It was filmed in part in Malta so I expect the hubby will put it on his quickflix list so he can scrutinise/recognise the locations they used.

    Here is an Irish Christmas blessing for you:
    May you be blessed with the spirit of the season, which is peace
    The gladness of the season, which is hope
    And the heart of the season, which is love.


  3. Just gorgeous!

    Wishing you the merriest of Christmases! <3

  4. A belated merry Christmas to you, Klara! :) Don't let the email get you down! ;)
