Saturday, December 5, 2015

The beautiful scarf

Not many women in my age group (40+) are still lucky enough to have a granny.
I am among the lucky ones.

I have been working very hard lately (each day 10 hours+, including Saturdays). I have literally no time. Since I know the long hours are temporary, I don't really mind. But one  thing has been on my mind lately.

Everything will wait. But what if something unpredictable happens to my granny? I would forever regret for not taking time for her.

I visited her today, it was lovely.

She is now knitting a beautiful colourful new scarf for me. I can't wait to get it! I love scarfs. And I know this will be my favourite.   The things that I love I never throw away... so this scarf will  be mine always.


  1. I was lucky enough to have both my maternal grandparents until I was in my late 30s. They've been gone 16-17 years now, and I still miss them every day. Treasure those moments!

  2. One day a couple of years ago hubs got this weird feeling that he should call his grandma even though we had just seen her a couple of weeks before. He almost brushed it off and didn't call because he felt silly. He ended up calling and having a really nice conversation with her. She passed away two days later and I know he will forever cherish that phone call.

    Cherish all of the time that you get with your grandma and spend as much time with her as possible!
