Sunday, November 23, 2014

Menopause and dealing with teenagers? No, thank you.

I have one coworker at work that I really like. She is also childless, not by choice. She was cleverer as I was, she stopped after third failed IVF. 

We were talking the other day over lunch how much we wished to have children, but how even if we could have them now, it is just too late for kids.  

She asked me if I can imagine being in menopause and dealing with my teenager. I replied that obviously not since I know that menopause is very difficult period in life and I do not need anybody to make it even more complicated. 

We just laughed. It just seemed so funny imagining our own wild hormones and having to deal with wild teenager.

This is a sign, that we are both already out of the darkest days of our infertility. This is good.  

I met my coworker 5 years ago. And I can say that having an infertility buddy in my own office did make many of the hard days easier.

I am off for a long Sunday walk, despite the grey November day.


  1. Hi Klara, I am glad you are back-I have missed your insightful posts!

  2. I think it would be worse being in menopause (or strictly speaking, peri-menopause) and dealing with a toddler or young child who couldn't understand. But yes, I share your sentiments. Hope you had a good walk.

  3. Sheesh, I'm having a hard time putting up with my own hormones -- can't imagine getting more help getting wound up!
