Sunday, November 23, 2014

Friends from the opposite side of the Earth (aka Mali)

It is grey Sunday day and me and my DH are just after lunch. DH is now cooking Italian espresso and then we will go for a walk.

I just responded to Mali's comment on our photos and then remember one cute and funny story from our USA travel. 

The four of us talked about travelling and plans for the future and then Pamela's husband told us that one day they would love to visit New Zealand, especially because Pamela has a friend there who could help with planning.

And my husband said: "Yes, I know. I know Mali and her husband." 

Pamela's husband was completely surprised how on earth would my husband know Mali. 

And my husband joked that when somebody is such a vital person of the infertility blogging community as he is,  he obviously knows everybody :)

So cute and so funny, we laughed so much.
(Pamela's husband didn't know that Mali and her DH actually visited our county and that we had met).

Blogging & meeting bloggie friends does make life more interesting.


  1. that's funny! Indeed, blogging and meeting blogging/online friends is interesting. :-D

  2. It's a much smaller world than we think... especially online! ;)

  3. That's funny! I loved DH's response. Of course he's an integral part of the infertility blogging world.

    We should promote blogging with a new slogan - "become an infertility blogger and see the world!"

  4. Love the slogan, Mali! (p.s. Klara: who would have guessed that these same guys -- the ones who used to run away from any discussion related to blog topics -- would have be the same ones there to help in editing the very piece that ended up running WIRED)?
