Saturday, April 5, 2014

Little princess

Imagine the most beautiful little girl. She has blond long hair, the bluest eyes and the kindest smile. She is six. She is a daughter of my best friend.

I was abroad most of the time for the last two weeks, so I did not have time for inviting friend's kids. So I invited them for today. 

The boy didn't want to come to me (he choose to do homework with mommy). And the little girl (2 years younger) was excited to come. 

We spent two  hours together, doing homework. It was lovely. It was also bitter-sweet: teaching a small kid how to connect letters into words (she is very good with reading, just long words make some problems), knowing that I will never be able to do this with my own child.

But I am honoured to be a little part of this little girl's life. I know, I won't be for ever. But I am happy to be now.

I gave her a book in Italian and I thought her how to say today in Italian (=oggi) and how to say "I am Emma" in Italian (=Io sono Emma). 

And she is excellent in counting to 10 in Italian. I taught counting in Italian her brother a year ago and he passed the knowledge to her. How cute is that :)

.... I am off to visit my father-in-law. Can't wait to give him the photos.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. I love that you're teaching her Italian too!

    I love languages (though have nowhere near the fluency you have), and it is a regret that I can't raise a child speaking a mixture of English, Thai, Chinese, French, Spanish and Italian! And some Maori too. Sigh. I've tried with my niece, but I simply don't see her enough. Maybe when she's a bit older, I can entice her into a secret language between the two of us.
