Sunday, November 17, 2013

My beautiful Wolf

I am attaching my favourite photo of my beloved Wolf. It was taken in spring last year. We went - as usually on Saturdays - on a long walk, just the two of us. And then in the middle of the walk, we took a break. I was reading a newspaper. And he had plenty of work to do - he had to guard me :)   Whenever I see this photo, my heart melts. He was so mine.

I am learning to live my life without him. I am doing quite OK, but I still miss him terribly.  And a question - Will you get another dog soon? - hurts.  No, I don't want another dog. The only dog I want is the Wolf.

Things that I did this weekend:
  • I went to swimming pool & sauna world on Friday after work. It was nice.
  • My cousin visited me on Saturday morning with her two kids (18 months and 4 years). It is great that she stopped breastfeeding so her visits do not bring any pain, only complete happiness. The little one discovered that Auntie Klara is the best thrower of kids into the air - so we enjoyed each other company a lot. The older one just wanted to watch cartoons on youtube.
  • I went to the movies to watch this movie:   with DH yesterday. We liked it, but as a friend of mine said - you need a drink after it.
  • I went for a long walk today with DH through the forrest.  We talked about the best ever moments with the Wolf. There were so many of them. Memories did not make us sad. They made us happy that we had him for six years and a half. We just wish we could be together longer.

Sweet eternal dreams, my beloved Wolf. I will always miss you.


  1. (((HUGS))) Everyone is different, and nothing will ever replace your beloved Wolf. I did get another dog about six weeks after losing my beautiful Nani. It wasn't a replacement, but it did fill my heart and time. Every now and then my new pup does something to remind me of her, and it makes me cry a little because I miss her so much, but it also makes me happy because I can remember her so much clearer when compared to this wild beast of a pup. xoxoxo

    1. dear Dipitie,
      thank you for your kind comment!

  2. (((HUGS))) He sure is VERY gorgeous, your Wolf...I can relate to talking about lovely memories about your Wolf. I also love reminiscing about our cat with my brother. :-)

  3. Take all the time you need to heal. There will never be another Wolf... but perhaps someday another pet will come along to steal your heart again. (((hugs)))

  4. {{{{HUGS}}}}}} I'm very sorry about your loss- and you're right, there'd be never another Wolf- each spirit is its own, unique- that's why you loved him!
