Friday, March 25, 2016

There isn't any Auntie Song

I was doing very well in the last month. Until today I had no need to write anything on my blog. Furthermore, I didn't even know what to write. Since my life was really good, busy. The highlight was being with my dog. Enjoying warm spring weather. Cycling a bit.

And teaching the kids. I wrote already about teaching Daisy and her sister, I have been teaching them already for 11 months. Since then, some other mothers called me and now I teach 7 kids (from 4 families).

I know that those kids are part of my life only for this school year. Some perhaps also for the next. And this will be all. In a way I already came to conclusion how fragile and short our lives are.  I just treasure the moments that I have with them.

It is fun. So many exciting things happen when I am with them.
One of the kids had a test with question: Where do kangaroos live? And she (aged 10) responded: Austria :)
I was in supermarket the other day when my youngest pupil (aged 6 and a half) noticed me and ran towards me and hugged me (well, she hugged my left leg). It was bitter sweet and lovely. The girl was with her granny and the granny started to explaining me how much the little one enjoys learning English with me.

I never boast. But I really am good with kids.
I know how to motivate them. And I know how to make them fall inlove with English.

Now the dark day. It is Mother's Day in our part of Europe. I wasn't paying much attention this year (luckily it is in the same period as Easter, and Easter is still bigger selling tool, so everything was in Easter decorations all around).

I visited my parents after work and there was also my youngest niece, aged 4. My mother encouraged  the little one to sing me the song that she learnt in the kindergarten for her mommy. The little one asked me: "Do you want to hear the song?".
My brains were working fast to find a good solution since I really didn't want to hear a mommy song even if coming from the mouth of innocent child, who wants me no harm.
I just couldn't say yes, I just couldn't.
So I said: "I don't want to hear that song. But I would love to hear the song for aunties." And the niece responded that there wasn't any auntie song.
Obviously my mom realized it was a silly idea forcing her infertile daughter hearing a special mommy song. So she really tried to solve situation. She explained to child: "It is easy. Whenever there in the song is a word mommy, you just say auntie."
The little one started singing, but when she came to the word mommy, she stopped (before saying the word). She tried to replace it with auntie, but it was too difficult. So she concluded: "There isn't any auntie song." And I said "It doesn't matter, then you don't have to sing." And she didn't.

So, just to see, how messed up am I. I can't even pretend in front of a little child.  But none the less, I feel good.   I didn't have to listen and pretend that I like the damn mommy song. 

(don't worry, the little one's feelings were not hurt, afterwards we played some cute silly game together).

If you never wrote your own blog, then there is one thing that you might not know. For a blogger it is always interesting to see the countries of the readers. Lately I had quite some visits from Japan. I find it always fascinating, when somebody from another part of the world is reading my lines. As always, I wonder who you are and what is your story.


  1. I am sorry, Klara. :( If there's not an Aunties Song, there should be, & if I was more musically inclined, I'd try to write one! ;)

    When I read your post, an old Barry Manilow song popped into my head... it has nothing to do with moms or aunties, but when I looked up the lyrics, it's a song all about regret -- about not appreciating someone who's always been there for you -- until it's too late. So maybe it is appropriate in this context after all. ;)

  2. Oh wow. Ouch.

    I am so pleased that you stood up for yourself and that you said no. I completely understand why you didn't want to listen to the damn mommy song and pretend to be happy about it. I'm also glad that your mom realized (even though it was a bit late) and tried to salvage the situation.

    I love hearing all of your tales about teaching kids English. They are so lucky to have you in their lives, even if it is just for a very short time every week.

  3. Austria/Australia….I’ve got to put in my two cents worth - It’s not just kids that make the mistake. When I first started travelling, I came across several people who mistook my answering “I’m from Australia” to mean Austria.
    Once I mentioned kangaroos and koalas they realised what country I meant.

    One would have hoped that the emphasis on Easter would have helped you to get through the two occasions without too much anxiety. Glad to hear your mum realised, and tried to steer the conversation, even if a little belatedly.
    Sadly, we can’t choose our triggers or what situations will cause them to break out. We shouldn’t have to pretend in front of anyone.
