Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chère Irouwen & chère Kaymet: Merci beaucoup de tout mon coeur!

I was deeply touched this morning when I discovered that one of my bloggie friends from France posted this on her blog:

Somebody from France has seen it (and she happens to be a good photographer) and offered to visit the grave, lit one candle and take a photo. 

I have just written the first email in French in my life (I was learning French in high scool for 4 years, so I understand quite a lot, but I am not really able to speak), I sent coordinates of the grave. 

My father-in-law will be so happy. 

chère Irouwen & chère Kaymet,
beaucoup de tout mon coeur!



  1. This made me and DH so happy today. The internet and blogging makes the world a much smaller place.

    1. dear Mali, yes, this is so true. The internet and blogging makes the world a much smaller place. And kinder and friendlier and nicer.
      Irouwen (kind soul who offered to take a photo) has already written me back. And so I wrote back, my second email (in entire life) in French.
      I am really happy. So is my DH.
