Monday, December 23, 2013

When a story is told, it is not forgotten

“And so I write this for you, My Sarah. With the hope that one day, when you’re old enough, this story that lives with me, will live with you as well. When a story is told, it is not forgotten. It becomes something else, a memory of who we were; the hope of what we can become.”   Tatiana de Rosnay, Sarah's Key

I still can not forget the movie. It is one of the movies when you watch it, you never forget.

I wrote my favourite quote in the movie.

By writing this blog, I am telling my story. A story of a woman, dealing with infertility and  finding a happy life after (despite being childless).

Infertility has always been and there will always be. It just is a fact of life.

So perhaps my story will help one day to somebody in the future...


  1. It has helped me, you know. :-)

    1. dear Amel,
      thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate it!

  2. It's stories like yours that let me know I am not alone. And give me the courage to share my story too.

    1. dear Savannah, thank you for your comment. I like to read your blog.

  3. I love that quote. And I'm so glad you're telling your story! For those who need to read it, and for me. After all, I wouldn't have got to lovely Slovenia and met you and DH if you weren't here.

    1. dear Mali, it was lovely to meet you and your DH in the summer. I just wish we could have more time together...
      lots of love.
