Sunday, July 16, 2023



As every year, I published a Christmas wish last year:

I didn't get an email last December. But I got one a few weeks ago and I was so happy.

A young woman who is accepting her childless life finds comfort in reading my old posts. She wrote that she wants to see in my posts that I am OK. Because if I am OK, she will be too.

Am I OK?

I think I am! I try to be offline as much as I can and out in nature as much as I can. I attach two photos from the Julian Alps. A dear friend of mine (a mother of two) gave me a voucher for a day in the Julian Alps at the lake and the river & a voucher for a delicious ice cream as a birthday present. I spent a perfect day with her!

There are moments when I feel the shadow of sadness. Like when I came across the news of a famous model who became a mother at the age of 52. All the world's media quoted her sentence: "It's never too late to become a mother."    Really?

But most of the time I feel very comfortable in my skin.  It is also all the heartache and sadness that has made me the person I am today. I am kind and gentle. And I know the value of life, how priceless it is. So I try to make the most of mine.



  1. I am glad you are okay. I am okay too. I'm glad other women (and maybe men) are reading blogs and finding role models, so they know that it is possible to be okay again even if it doesn't feel like it in the moment.

    As always, beautiful pictures my friend! That ice cream looks so delicious!! :)

  2. "Never too late ... " - what a load of rubbish! If you have endless money, don't care that your children might be left alone if you die younger than 72, prepared to pay another woman for her eggs and/or to carry your child, or to an agency to adopt a child, have enough money to pay for care and house cleaners etc, etc etc, then maybe it is possible. But only for a very select few. I get so annoyed at those comments. I'm sorry it meant that a shadow of sadness crossed over you.

    Otherwise, I love these photos. THe Julian Alps are so incredibly beautiful. Plus ice cream! What could be better? lol And I just adore your last paragraph. Words to live a life by.
    Sending much love.

  3. What beautiful pictures! I am glad you are out in nature a lot. I am glad you are okay :-). Thank you for sharing <3

  4. We never know who's reading & paying attention to our blogs, do we? I'm glad you're doing well -- and that ice cream looks amazing! :)
