Saturday, December 1, 2018

Living with infertility does get easier as years are passing by

Yesterday at work a group of my coworkers discussed how terrible it is that they had forgotten almost all English. They were all fluent when they finished university, but because they don't use it they forgot it.

I just listened. I couldn't actually boast how awesome it has been writing an infertility blog in English for the last seven years and how my English has improved by writing my own blog and by reading other blogs :)


I really wanted to see the moment when the Christmas lights are lit in the capital yesterday, so I went to the city centre after work.  I phoned a kind woman who was my boss in my first job and I invited her for a coffee and for the event. She gladly accepted.

I have always liked her, she has  always been nice to me. I always appreciated her advice - it was easy for her to be wise, she is 20 years older then me.

Well, I appreciated all of her advice but one.  She insisted that even when I was 40+, I still have plenty of time to have a child and that I shouldn't give up hope. She viewed this topic from her standing point - she had her first and only child when she was 43.  

That's why I just didn't want to meet for her for the last few years.

Yesterday's meeting was really nice - we had so much catching up to do. And this was the first time that she didn't bring up the topic of not giving up the hope.

Living with infertility does get easier as years are passing by.

It felt awesome, claiming my life back.

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