Saturday, March 10, 2018

Being sorry for someone I don't know

A friend of mine told me a story about her coworker. I don't know her, but I know her husband since we went to the same school.  They have been trying to have a child for years, without any success. Now they are having IVF and he gave her an ultimatum: if it doesn't work, he wants a divorce.

I don't know this girl, but I feel so sorry for her. I am sorry that she is struggling with infertility. I am sorry that she married someone who is handsome on outside but has black cruel soul. And I am sorry that she has a friend who is not a friend at all - she told this very personal humiliating information to her and she told few others who told the rest. 

I hope she heals and that one day she finds the love of her life. Since that man for sure isn't.


  1. How incredibly cruel of him!
    She should tell him that if it does work, she will want a divorce...

  2. I am sorry for her, too. I can't even imagine how hard this must be...

  3. OH MY GOSH. I am sorry for her too, this woman that I do not know. What a horrible thing for her husband to say. It sounds like he blames her for not conceiving when it could just as easily be a problem on his end of things. I cannot imagine the stress she is feeling while she is already going through the very soul-taxing experience of IVF. And, yes, why is her "friend" sharing this very personal information with others? How horrible all the way around. :(

  4. That is a sad situation all round... I agree, Klara!

  5. Oh no, that's awful. And yes, I agree with all the points you made, including about the "friend."
