Thursday, February 26, 2015

3rd of March: interview with Klara :)

For the last few months I was exchanging emails with an infertility survivor from France (she is one of the lucky ones, she is blessed with two kids now).

I really like her. And I liked her genuine interest in me. How does it feel knowing, that you wish kids more then anything in the word and not be able to have them. Ever. 

She realized that in France there aren't many stories out there (or blogs), about living (eventually) happily after infertility. So she decided to make an interview with me. 

I am looking forward to the 3rd of March when the interview will be published. I will post a link. 

PS: The photo of Lone Cypress was taken in October 2014, during our drive along Pacific Highway 1. I just love this tree! Did you know that this is one of the most photographed trees in North America?


  1. Fun! I can't wait to read the interview!

  2. I am looking forward to it ! :-)
    and I think beside the UK the situation in Europe is everywwhere the same.
    Big, big silence about living childfree after infertility.
    Love, Isa

  3. Looking forward to reading it! :)

  4. That sounds so cool, Klara! :-)
