Saturday, May 12, 2012

Home, sweet home

How nice it is to be back home! To breath fresh air. To drink tap water. Not to worry about passports, credit cards, money... To take our beloved Wolf for a long walk.

We had a nice holiday. It was great to have my DH for almost three weeks just for myself.

We loved Singapore. Originally we  planned to spend there 2 days, but just couldn't leave the great city, so we stayed there 4 days. But to be completely honest, we did not like Malaysia that much. It was OK, but perhaps we expected too much. 

The part of Malaysia that we really liked, were Cameron Highlands. We visited tea plantations, they were beautiful.  We drank the best tea ever - Boh tea.

I was really looking forward to Perhentian islands, but we left them after one night. The only room we were able to book was full of insects (mosquitoes, millipedes and even one cockroach). We tried to find another accommodation, but everything was booked out. So I enjoyed crystal clear sea only for one afternoon and one morning - but this was still better as no sea at all. South China Sea is so warm - it has approximately 27 C. So it is actually too warm to feel fresher after swimming. 

It was really great feeling, for 3 weeks not to feel as an infertile couple. We were couple, enjoying life. Enjoying museums, new food, new experiences.

We saw so many young Muslim mothers in Malaysia. Majority of women my age are already grand mothers in Malaysia. And there are so many big families. But seeing all those young women with their extra sweet babies did not make me sad. To be frank, I wouldn't like to have three children by the age of 24. When I was 24, I was just finishing university, I was in the middle of long and bad relationship. And it lasted for another few years to find my Mr. Right.

On the photo above is the best hotel I have ever seen - Marina Bay Sands, in Singapore. It is (unfortunately) way above our budget, so we just visited observation deck on the 56th floor. The view from there is magnificent! 

So, no more holidays for me for this year. I still have 10 days off work and I still have to make plan how to make the most of them.

I am looking forward to finding some time next week to read all the new posts on your blogs... to see what I missed in the last three weeks.


  1. Welcome back!

    That hotel is ridiculously amazing, isn't it? We were in Singapore in February just for a day, and I could easily have stayed longer.

    I'm sorry you didn't like Malaysia that much. I definitely prefer Thailand and Singapore (even though I have Malaysian relatives).

    And I totally understand what you mean when you say you didn't feel infertile on the trip. It's one of the wonderful freedoms of travel, I think.

  2. Welcome back!

    We both love Singapore, as well, even though in some ways there are way too many (busy) people for our liking, but we did enjoy going there (esp. to Sentosa Island) he he...and we'd love to go back there again. :-D

    Never been to Malaysia, but one cousin loved a beachy place there (forgot the name, though). Now can't wait for our summer holiday to come! :-D More adventures for us he he...

  3. How wonderful it is to travel, to sample new places and discover exotic and interesting parts of the world firsthand -- not to mention the learnings in the planning before the trip, the experience during and the memories afterwards. Glad to have you back!

  4. dear Mali, Amel and Pamela,
    thank you for your welcome backs!
    It is nice to be missed and welcomed back!

  5. Welcome back. I have been wondering what kind of adventures you have been having.

  6. Hi nice to have you back. I look forward to hearing more about your trip.

  7. Good to see you're back, Klara! : )
