Wednesday, January 15, 2025

I don't have children, but that doesn't mean I don't have a private life


I am sharing with you a photo of a beautiful ornament in one of the chapels I visited during the Christmas season. I find this mosaic simply beautiful: peaceful, colourful, vivid, soothing and eternal.  I needed to see this photo again - because today's workday was just awful.

Most of the time I like the place where I work. But not today.

I had a disagreement with my superior about doing extra work outside of working hours. She (the mother of an adult son) literally said to me: "We, who already have grown-up children, have to be flexible with our time, so working on public holidays shouldn't be a problem for us".

Her manipulative, insulting comment really got to me. I've been part of her team for over a decade and she knows full well that I don't have children.

I didn't keep quiet.

I said: "I don't have children, but that doesn't mean I don't have a private life."


I felt good because I spoke out - also on behalf of childless people whose suffering is still too raw and who never speak up (yet).

I am not paid more than colleagues with children. So it is only fair that everyone does the same amount of work.


  1. I'm so pleased you spoke up for yourself! And as you say, as we heal and speak up, we're helping others who are still going through the pain, and don't have the confidence. Brava, Klara!

    I'm very annoyed at your work superior. How dare she! That's deliberately unkind and selfish. (Another example of how selfish parents can be!) Also, parents with adult children need to let them be adults. (Don't get me started on that one. haha )

  2. Well done, Klara! I am proud of you <3.
    The mosaic is beautiful. Sending hugs!

  3. That's awesome that you said something in the moment!

    And even though I shouldn't waste my energy on that woman's comment, I've been thinking about it... And it doesn't make any sense to me! What does having grown up children have anything to do with anything? Why is she talking to you about it? I really don't understand what she is trying to say at all. What a weird comment.

    I'm proud of you.

  4. I am SO GLAD you spoke up. That is horribly insensitive, and so privileged to think that some people deserve personal time more than others. Especially as she referenced adult children! I have never heard someone do that before, but I'm sure it happens a lot...just amazing.

    And I love the mosaic, so pretty! So proud of your chutzpah... maybe she'll think twice before saying such a ding dong comment next time.
