Friday, September 1, 2023

1st of September


Most of the time I am doing OK with my childlessness.

But not on 1st of September.  

I used to look forward to the first day of school every year. I used to dream of all the rituals I would do with my children one day.

It is only one of those days that reminds me of our loss. (Can you lose something you never had? Yes, you can).


On the brighter side.  I spent two lovely days last week with my eleven-year-old niece and nephew, who were staying with us. The highlight of their stay was a walk around the beautiful Lake Bohinj (see photo) in the middle of the Julian Alps. There are 13 km around the lake. I also invited the two girls of our neighbours. It was just wonderful - spending a whole day with four lovely children. We were also swimming in the lake.

It reminded me how easy it is to do fun, active things when you have children.

I know I am just a small part of these children's lives. But at the same time - I will always be the one who took them for their first walk around this beautiful lake. Just priceless.


  1. I feel like I understand this. I bought so many things when I was teaching because I thought I would use them with my children. You've inspired a blog post for me.

    Your day at the lake sounds awesome! And you're right--those kids will remember a day like that, a day where a woman who was important to them took them out to do something fun. <3

    And, thank you for another beautiful picture!! :)

  2. Yes, there are always reminders. Hugs.

    I am however so happy that you gave your niece and nephew and neighbour kids such a lovely time, around a lake that is so special to you. I totally agree with you and IP- they will remember you taking the time to spend with them, and do something fun and active. I'm sure you are special to them. As you are to us! Sending love.

  3. Dear Klara,
    What a gorgeous picture!
    You know that I admire you for taking your niece, nephew and other kids for a hike and swim. You are so cool! I couldn't do that...
    Regarding the beginning of school, I am sending hugs <3.
    Wishing you a nice Sunday!

  4. Because our town population is so small and the visitor population is so ridiculously huge, we breathe a sigh of relief when school goes back into session. It always means visitors return to their homes and we get to enjoy our version of the beautiful alpine lake you shared in a more quiet, zen-like way. Nonetheless, I honor and validate the sadness that this date brings into your consciousness. xx
