Thursday, May 26, 2022

The seaside photos

I have spent 10 years of my life writing a blog about life after infertility. I am glad I've been writing about that - it has helped me with the healing. But now I think I am done with it. The infertility took away too much from me. Now I want to focus on the life that I have and enjoy in small things.

But even if I don't want to mention  that I don't have children, the fact is still there. I had a week off work and I wanted to go somewhere... just to change the scenery and have a little break. And I literally had no one to go with (my husband was very busy with work and all the rest have lives of their own that do not include having time for a holiday with me). 

Instead of regretting being so alone I just booked the room at the seaside and went alone. I had a lovely time! I did a lot of walking and I even swam in the Adriatic for the very first time this year. I also took a first cycling tour, the ice cream was delicious!


  1. Thank you for writing for ten years. Thank you for sharing your pictures. They are beautiful and the ice cream looks delicious!!

  2. I think it's brilliant that you went alone ... and enjoyed delicious gelato too! Ahhh, the Adriatic. We swam in it in Croatia. It was still a bit chilly in September 2011!

    If only we lived closer ...

  3. Dear Klara

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures! I am glad that you want to focus on what you have and enjoy the small things.

    It is sad that nobody had time to go to the seaside with you but I think it is wonderful that you decided to go all the same! You are a real role model to me <3! I sometimes go to the lake by myself and then I think of you :-).

    Much love from Switzerland!

  4. That is AWESOME you went on a solo venture! Very resourceful and determined of you. I'm still working on navigating the "don't always need to write or speak about it but it's stil very much there" phase of post infertility/childlessness myself. Thank goodness for ice cream :-)

  5. What a great thing to do, enjoying the sea, taking the days off! Pure freedom, isn't it? I am glad you had nice days at the shore!

  6. Gorgeous photos! And a beautiful solo vacation. that sounds so restorative and lovely. I also think it's great that you are focusing on the life part of life after infertility. :)

  7. 10 years!! What an accomplishment, Klara! I'm glad you took that solo vacation. I find there's something very soothing and relaxing about being beside water. :)
