Saturday, December 7, 2019

My Christmas wish

I have the same Christmas wish as the last four years.
I would love to get an email from you.
To learn who you are. 
Where you come from.
Why you read my blog.
What my blog means to you.  
Did it help in any way?

I promise I will not publish your emails, nor misuse them in any way.
And I promise I will write back :)

My email: klara.soncek (at)

I am looking forward to Christmas :)
I loved receiving emails last four Decembers from literally all around the world!  

PS: I took this photo in Milan few days ago while travelling for work. I didn't buy anything, but I enjoyed a lot window shopping. Italians really master the art of decoration.


  1. I would love to be in Milan or Slovenia for Christmas. Maybe one year? I always think this is such a lovely idea. I'm tempted to try it at my blog, but I don't want to copy! lol

    1. dear Mali, I would love spend one Christmas with you! You & your husband are always welcome!
      And do try it at your blog, over the years I copied some of your ideas that I loved as well. xo. Klara
