Thursday, October 2, 2014

A rainbow

My cousin sent me an SMS at midnight, but I got it early in the morning. It says:
"My daughter has been drawing beautiful rainbows for the past few days. She says you taught her how to do it."

Yes, I taught her on Sunday, I had both princesses (aged 5 and 6) just for myself for few hours. 

I love to be a small part in the lives of both little girls.

But how would I love to be a big part in the life of my own daughter!

I love time with both girls. But on the other hand it hurts seeing, what my life could be and it will never be. 


  1. (((HUGS))) to you, Klara. I'm glad you had a chance to be in the girls' life. It's beautiful to read how you've shared so much love and knowledge with the girls.

  2. Amel beat me to it. Sending hugs, and love.

  3. dear Amel & Mali,
    thank you for the hugs. They help.

  4. You are creating rainbows just by being in our lives, dear Klara.

    1. liebe Pamela,
      I love German expression: Danke gleichfalls!!
