Saturday, July 12, 2014

Photos from Normandy II

It was only 110 days after I published this post:

and it was only 100 days after Kaymet, my dear bloggie friend from France published this post on her blog:

and it was only  90 days after a kind Irouwen sent me many beautiful photos from Normandy (including the one above)

and it was only  85 days after I showed the photos of his brother's graveyard to my father-in-law 

that my father-in-law died.

He died almost exactly 70 years after his brother.

Although I guess he did not believe in after-life nor heaven, I hope that they are together, the two brothers, in a place without pain and worries.


I never thought that infertility would bring me anything positive.

But it has. Because of my infertility I had started to slip into depression. And by writing a blog I tried to save me. Not only did I save myself, but I also  found kind souls all around the world.

Dear Kaymet & dear Irouwen - thank you again for your help. I will never forget it. 
The photos meant a lot for my father-in-law. 
The photos were the best gift that he got in the last few decades I guess.




  1. Klara, I am so sorry for your loss :(. When one of our family leave us it hurts unimaginably, and it puts everything into perspective. Hugs to you and your husband.

  2. Dear Klara, I am so sorry for your loss, and am sending warm comforting hugs to you and your husband in these difficult times.

  3. Klara, I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm glad that he managed to see his brother's graveyard photos. (((HUGS)))

  4. So sorry for your loss, Klara. But I'm glad you were able to give him this one last gift.
