Thursday, May 25, 2017

A little house for the two of us

I couldn't be happier.
Me and my husband have just signed a contract with a producer of prefabricated houses for our little house.
We have been very busy with meetings, visits, analyzing, deciding... for the last few months.
And we both decided at the end for the same producer, so it was an easy decision at the end.
If everything goes well, we will move to our new home before Christmas 2018. 
First 5 % of the house are already paid. Only another 95 % remain to be paid :)

I am looking forward to many things. But most of all I look forward having a little garden that belongs to us. Having a private parking space. And - having a guest room for friends and family.

After experiencing failure after failure for the whole decade it is so refreshing to have something to really look forward to! 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Having lots of money and no children

I spent a whole day with my mom, working on my vegetables' garden. It was nice, I am still learning so much from her. We had a lot of time to talk and this is the story that my mom told me.

My mom recently talked to my niece (aged 9) and the niece asked her how come that in her best friend's family there are 4 children and in her family there are only 2.
My mom replied that each person should have as many children as one can afford.
My niece said: "But Klara has a lot of money* and she doesn't have any children!"
My mom told her: "Everybody decides for him/herself. And you should never ask this Klara unless you want her to be sad."

I didn't comment anything.

You see, I never talked to my mom about my infertily.
When can you start talking about it? After it doesn't work out for few months? After first few medical examinations? Before 1st IVF? After 10th failed IVF?

And now my beloved niece has already knowledge how you deal with infertility (and other unpleasant issues) in family: you don't talk about. You pretend that nothing happened.

This makes me sad.

* A note: I don't have a lot of money. But to a child an aunt that can easily pay for the icecream and cakes for 5 children equals being rich :)

Saturday, May 13, 2017

You are on earth to be the sun

You are on earth to view the sun.
You are on earth to track the sun.
You are on earth to be the sun
that shadows always shun.
(by Tone Pavček) 

I recently read a beautiful poem by our poet and I wanted to share few lines with you.

And here are some photos from the city centre of Ljubljana that I took yesterday after work. Aren't they pretty?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Meeting bloggie friends

I am attaching a photo that I took this weekend on my easy trekking to the mountains in the north-west of my country. I was with DH and the Wolf, it was a lovely day.

My beautiful photos are making a difference.

In the last month I got two awesome news:
- a bloggie friend from Australia is visiting my country (and me) in September 2017
- a bloggie friend from France is visiting my country (and me) in 2018

When I started writing my blog I never thought that I would eventually meet anybody. My only purpose was to heal my broken soul.

With each visit I am enjoying meeting bloggie friends even more.

Since I won't be able to travel for the next two years this is an excellent way to travel - by talking to people who come from abroad.

Not to mention how lovely it is to talk to people who understand you. Who can't say anything that would hurt me.

Just priceless.