Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Active weekend

Spring is slowly coming. I was walking a lot in the past few days, always with Wolfie. Total kilometers made in the last three days: 26 km walking. Not bad for a puppy who is not even 1 year old.

Walking is good. Since it leaves me no time for writing, thinking or being sad.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Where did those dreams come from?

I woke up at 3 am, during very vivid dreams.
I was in the doctor's office, talking about drugs for my next IVF treatment. The doctor was very kind, he took time to talk to me. .  He showed me some special medicines that increase success rates.I felt good. I felt sure that that IVF would finally work out.

I woke up and started thinking, whether I was planning another IVF. I wasn't sure. Then I remembered that I am almost 43, which means the clinics would reject me.

For a change I felt good, being over certain age limit. It means that there isn't anything to decide any more. So I could get back to sleep.

But I still wonder. Where did those dreams come from?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Wolfie at the Lake

It is lovely to own Wolfie. I am never lonely on weekends.  
We had a fun day together, just the two of us. 
On the photo: tired 11-month-puppy resting by the lake.