Sunday, June 23, 2013

Muffins mean being happy

I had a beautiful Sunday.

I spent the morning in a forest, picking up blueberries for the first time this year. I love blueberries - they are delicious and extremely healthy.

I baked blueberry muffins in the afternoon.  I used to bake muffins very often in the first few years of our marriage (my DH adores muffins). But then, somehow, when the dark years of infertility came, I just stopped baking them (and I don't even know why). Looking back it seems that I just did not have energy for things like that.

Anyway, I baked them again today and they are really really delicious. It is so good to have a  bit of my old happy life back. 


  1. Those look delicious, Klara!! I haven't done any baking in a long time either. Maybe when I'm retired I'll take it up again. ; )

  2. Klara, those look delicious! We have wild blueberries in the freezer...maybe it's time for muffins or cobbler. Happy summer!

  3. I stopped baking during infertility too. I am slowly clawing my way back but I still dont bake like I used to. I used to make all my own bread...Sigg. Those muffins look yummy

  4. Can you transmit them through the Internet? The picture is making me hungry!
