Friday, January 7, 2022

Happy & Healthy New Year!


I hope this post finds you well. I wish you, my dear reader, a happy and healthy 2022! 

The photo: was taken on the first day of the year, on a lovely walk with my husband. We did a short trekking in a beautiful valley Tamar in Julian alps. 

I recently celebrated 10 years of writing my blog. The writing has helped to heal my broken heart and soul. 

Here is the very first post:

Thank you for all of you who were there for me, supporting me with your kind comments / emails...


  1. Dear Klara,

    Thank you, I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year as well!

    Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! Wow, this is such a long time. I will always be grateful for your blog <3.

    The lyrics of the song are wonderful. They actually made me cry.
    I love the picture of Tamar valley, too. It looks magical!

    Wishing you a nice weekend,

    1. dear Elaine,
      yes, the lyrics made me cry as well. It is so beautiful!
      You truly are my soul sister <3
      I will take you for Tamar valley walk the next time you come to Slovenia!
      Wishing you a nice weekend,

  2. I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy new year! I LOVE your picture!! It looks like heaven to me.

    Happy 10th blogoversary! You have helped so many so much. <3

  3. A lovely post - the picture, the wishes, and the song. Oh, the song is beautiful!

    Happy 10 years of blogging! As IP said, you really have helped so many people - no doubt more than you will ever know. And I hope it has helped you too!

    I'm also quite thrilled that I was the first to comment, that we've become friends, and that we've met in person in those ten years. Cheers to you!

    1. Dear Mali, yes, you were my very first to comment, I am very glad that you did. I am also glad that we've become friends and that we have met in person!!
      Yes, writing the blog has helped me so much. I can't imagine my healing without writing and without connecting with kind souls around the globe <3

  4. Dear Klara,
    I am a little late but CONGRATS for you 10th year of blogging and I wish you just the best for the New Year 2022!


  5. Gorgeous photo! Belated happy new year, and happy blogoversary, Klara! 10 years is a real milestone! :)
