Saturday, December 4, 2021

My Christmas Wish


I have the same Christmas wish as the last six years.
I would love to get an email from you.
To learn who you are. 
Where you come from.
Why you read my blog.
What my blog means to you.  
Did it help in any way?

I promise I will not publish your emails, nor misuse them in any way.
And I promise I will write back :)

My email: klara.soncek (at)

I am looking forward to Christmas :)

PS: I took this photo in the city center of our capital - Ljubljana - few years ago.


  1. That is such a great photo. I really love it.

    You know who I am and where I come from, and why I read your blog. You know what I love about it though? Apart from all the beautiful photos of your gorgeous country and of Italy and your other neighbours, I love it because I have seen you move from someone who was deep in grief (and we know what that feels like), and now is confident and happy in your life, with hope for the future. It makes me very happy when I see that!

  2. Dear Mali, thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot!

  3. This has almost become a Christmas tradition now, hasn't it :-)? I think this is really nice.

    I am still glad I wrote to you a few years ago already and that we have stayed in touch ever since <3.

    1. Dear Elaine, I went and checked my email inbox... in few days we will celebrate 6 years since your very first email.
      I am also very glad that you wrote me and that we have stayed in touch ever since <3

  4. Excellent tradition! I will get busy writing now. xoxo

  5. Dear Klara,
    even though I did not write to you on Christmas, it was last years post that motivated me to write you an email, and what can I say? I am so glad I did! :-)
