Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014, welcome!

I had lovely holidays. But in a way I am glad they are over. I don't like the pressure that Christmas - New Year holidays is supposed to be the happiest time - everybody checking and asking what special things did I do over holidays. 

My DH gave me a beautiful Cannon EOS camera as a new year gift- with instructions that I have to learn how to use it before September - so that I will be able to take lots of wonderful photos on our trip to the USA. 

It is a bit complicated, so I am attaching a photo taken by the old camera. A motive: my youngest niece (sitting in my lap),  admiring her new year's gift.

An opportunity for all of you - to learn the first word in my language :)

Wishing you all a beautiful weekend.



  1. Happy New Year, Klara! Where are you planning to visit in the US? Have fun with the new camera...keep us posted on how you like it. I've been toying with getting a DSLR, but am unsure as to whether I want the bulkiness and the charge of learning all of the settings. We have a great superzoom with some settings and I still end up using my phone. We'll see. Cheers!

    1. dear Kelly,
      we will probably visiting this time only California & Nevada. Can't wait.
      Yes, I will keep you posted with how I like the camera.

  2. OHHHHHH...what a wonderful gift that enables you to learn new things! Looking forward to your travelling photos and stories later on. :-D

  3. Oh - a new camera :). I would like to take a photography class one of these days...but for now, it continues to be a point and shoot camera for me.
