Sunday, June 6, 2021

Novigrad, Istra, Croatia

I've just returned from holiday to Croatia with my mum. We went there to celebrate being already 15 days after the second dose of the vaccine against covid19. It is just awesome to have at least a bit of freedom back. 

We took many lovely walks along the seaside, we were reading, we were eating wild cherries and we even swam every day (briefly since the sea has only 19 C for now). 


  1. Love these pictures, they're beautiful! I am glad you are fully vaccinated now and could enjoy a short trip to the sea ♡.

  2. 19C. Brrrr! How lovely to have a holiday with your mum. I am glad you got a break, and felt freedom begin to return. I'm a bit jealous, as it looks very summery!

  3. That water looks so calming and peaceful. :) I'm glad you had a good holiday! Definitely a reason to celebrate!! As always, thank you for sharing your pictures.

  4. So nice, thank you for your pictures and your report.
    I am so happy, that I found your blog. I was a still Reader till now.

    If you need lessons in the German language, I can help you.

    Have a nice summer day. With nice greetings from South Germany, the Constanze Lake.

    1. Liebe Selma,
      of course I love all the comments, but it is very special when I see that someone is leaving a comment for the first time. Yes, I would love some help with German language!
      kind regards from Slovenia,

    2. Dear Klara, I will write you an Email. Then we can be a little more private.

      It is really wonderful that women like you have such a blog. It gives so much support and little bit relief in this special problematic questions in life.

      Einen schönen Tag!! Ich melde mich.

      Mit weiteren lieben Grüßen aus Süddeutschland!!

    3. Ich freue mich darauf!
      Mein E-mail: klara.soncek (at)

  5. So beautiful! Congrats on vaccination freedom, and the ability to wander in such beautiful places with your mom.
