Saturday, June 23, 2018

J'ai beaucoup de chance

I have just come back home from beautiful Paris, from some work related meetings.  I did have a day there just for me. I loved walking around.The more I know Paris, the more I love it.

The highlight was meeting a new friend that I met through my blog. She is French, she doesn't live in Paris and she just happened to be here, also for work.  (btw: she is planning to start writing her own blog, in French. As soon as she starts, I will share with you link to her blog).

It was just lovely meeting her.

And if it wasn't for the train strike, I would  meet another friend, my dear Kaymet. 

I felt so connected with the world... just because I didn't decide to be locked alone into the lonely world of childlessness. Instead I decided that to start writing my own blog and reach out to people.


*J'ai beaucoup de chance  = I am lucky  : )


I was learning French for four years in high school. I understand a lot, but I can not speak. It is on my wish list to learn it more. So I was very proud when I ordered in Paris: "Je voudrais une quiche végétarienne, s'il vous plaît." and they understood me. This is the delicious pie that I got:


  1. Dear Klara, I'm very glad too that we could meet for the first time, what a coincidence that we both had a business trip in Paris on that day! I'm sure your French is excellent, you just need more confidence :)

  2. How fortunate for all of us that you decided to start writing your own blog and reach out to people! I am happy to hear that you enjoyed your day in Paris and that you were able to meet Léa. Have a good start into the new week!

  3. Oh Klara, how lovely! Isn't it wonderful when work takes us places, but we were there already through our own minds and heads and hearts, reaching out to others. I'm so glad you met Lea too.

    Well done on using your French! It's so great when people understand, isn't it?

  4. How cool -- not only to be in Paris, but to get to meet up with a friend there too!

    I studied French all through junior & senior high school, but I never get to use it, so I have lost a lot of what I did learn. I'm sure what little I remember would still come in handy in Quebec & France, though. ;)

  5. Wonderful! I'm glad you had a great trip. It's so cool that you got to meet a friend too. I agree with Elaine: the rest of us are so fortunate that you started writing your blog. :) I'm glad I also decided not to be locked into the lonely world of childlessness. You helped show me the way out. Thank you! <3
