Sunday, October 29, 2017

Beautiful autumn

I have been busy lately with:

Being in Italy for work. Highlight: their delicious sweets.

First photo: apple strudel. Second photo: Sicilian cannoli.

I have enjoyed lots and lots of lovely autumn walks with my beloved Wolf.

And I have been very busy organizing all the paper work for our building permit. We have just filed everything, now all we have to do is wait.  Do keep your fingers crossed!


  1. Building permit stage is always tricky, but it really means things are starting to happen! My fingers are crossed.

    Those Italian desserts look wonderful. And Autumn is a lovely time to go for walks. I loved walking in Poland in October. I imagine Slovenia is as pretty. (Or prettier!)

  2. Ooh, a house update! :) And pictures of Wolf and desserts!! Thank you so much for sharing. I love it all.

  3. Yum!! Good luck with the house permits! They are building some townhouses behind us and there was a delay of several months while they waited for the permits to be granted... but now they are coming along very quickly!
