Tuesday, September 27, 2022

I am not afraid of anything any more

I have a friend whose teenage daughter died of cancer few years ago. When talking to her for the first time after the death of her child, she told me: "The most terrible thing that can happen, has already happened. And now I am just not afraid of anything any more." 

I am not comparing my childlessness to the loss of friend's child.

But only recently I thought about our conversation again and I realized, how devastating the childlessness was for me. In how many different ways it affected my life. I could say just the same. 

The most terrible thing that can happen, has already happened. And now I am just not afraid of anything any more.


  1. I know exactly what you're saying. I've thought about this too. You're a survivor, and you're fearless. Brava!

    1. Dear Mali,
      thank you for your kind comment.
      I loved your latest post "How frequency illusion changes over time ". It made me think - who will be there for me when I am old?
      I decided that I don't want to worry about it - since worrying would spoil the last few healthy decades that I (hopefully) have in front of me.
      There is a saying in my country: "Problems of today's day are for today to be solved." I decided to stick to it ;)
      Sending you a warm hug to the other side of the Earth

  2. Sometime during the first year after my failed IVF treatments, I went to a student art show and saw a collage that a high schooler had titled, "It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything." And that was how I felt. I'd lost everything. I was free to do anything. Only... I didn't feel like doing anything at the time.

    I just googled the quote and learned it's from a movie, Fight Club. Lol! But hey, the sentiment still rings true. In the years since my failed treatments, I've made lots of decisions I would not have made had I had children. I have a freedom after loss that other people who aren't living CNBC don't understand. And although I like my life, I wouldn't wish my experiences on anyone.

  3. Wonderful post that made me think. It's interesting when you think about what you've been through, and what you don't need to fear any longer. 💜
