Wednesday, December 9, 2020

My Christmas wish


I have the same Christmas wish as the last five years.
I would love to get an email from you.
To learn who you are. 
Where you come from.
Why you read my blog.
What my blog means to you.  
Did it help in any way?

I promise I will not publish your emails, nor misuse them in any way.
And I promise I will write back :)

My email: klara.soncek (at)

I am looking forward to Christmas :)
I loved receiving emails first four Decembers from literally all around the world!  But I didn't get even one e-mail last December.

PS: I took this photo in the city center of our capital - Ljubljana - few years ago.


  1. That's a beautiful photo. I love your Christmas wish, and hope you get lots of emails!

  2. a big warm greeting! Have a nice Christmas holidays.

  3. Dear Klara, I am still glad that I wrote to you a few Christmases ago :-). Wishing you lovely holidays and many emails!

    1. dear Elaine, yes, I am very very glad that you wrote me few Christmases ago <3

  4. Beautiful photo, Klara! I hope you've had a lovely Christmas.
