Sunday, March 1, 2020

Madrid photos

Many readers commented over the years how much they like my travelling photos. So I am attaching few. I took them few weeks ago, on my business trip. I hope you like them.
I wish I could stay in Madrid longer, I loved it.

How fortunate I was that the trip was scheduled only few weeks before the Europe (almost) stopped due to coronavirus. There isn't any confirmed case in my country, but there were cases in all the countries around us, so it is only matter of days when the virus hits also us.


  1. I always love seeing your pictures. Thanks for sharing these pics of Madrid!

  2. Beautiful pictures - thank you for sharing!
    Hope you and all readers with their dear ones will stay healthy <3

  3. How lovely! Madrid is such a beautiful city. Unexpectedly so, for me. I love the low winter light you've captured.

  4. What a beautiful city (and great photos!). I hope the coronavirus continues to pass by your country, Klara!
