Saturday, December 1, 2018

My Christmas wish

I have the same Christmas wish as the last three years.
I would love to get an email from you.
To learn who you are. 
Where you are coming from.
Why you read my blog.
What my blog means to you.  
Did it help in any way?

I promise I will not publish your emails, nor misuse them in any way.
And I promise I will write back :)

My email: klara.soncek (at)

I am looking forward to Christmas :)
I loved receiving emails last three Decembers from literally all around the world!  

PS: I took this photo yesterday, in the heart of Ljubljana. If you haven't visited it yet, you do have to add it on your travelling list for the future, it is so pretty!


  1. Dear Klara, Ljubljana seems to be such a beautiful city! I hope I can visit you and Slovenia one day :)

    1. dear Léa, you live only few hours drive away with direct train, so I am sure you will visit me one day. I am looking forward to that!

  2. This is always such a good idea Klara. I always want to copy you. And oh, how I wish I could see Ljubljana in the winter. It was so pretty in the summer, but that photo is stunning.

    1. dear Mali, you are more then welcome to copy me!
      This year I haven't got any emails so far, but in the past there were so many emails that I loved. Some stayed with me for good. For example - there was a grieving father from India who lost his young son because of illness. The boy's father wrote that my blog helped him in grieving process. I think of the family sometimes.
      And then half of the emails were from readers who do have children of their own. It amazed me - somehow I always thought that my blog would be interesting only to childless women like me.
      I like getting emails... Right now I don't have many to travel, so I enjoy travelling by reading emails from around the world.
      I do hope you visit us one day in winter. And not only for one day!!

  3. Dear Klara,
    I whish you merry christmas!! I hope you can spend it with lovely people.
