Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I am beautiful and I am not old :)

Some highlights from the last few weeks:

Swimming with  beloved Wolf in my favourite part of our country, in the crystal clear lake.

Today, when going for a walk, Wolf found wounded little hedgehog. He was stuck in hot sun, on the road, so I took him with me  to my vegetables garden and put him in the shadows, together with water and food. When I returned home it was gone... I was so happy! I hope it gets well soon (I think it will, it was very vivid).

 And here is the cutest story possible. I was walking to the library when I saw a young mother with two little daughters, twins, aged around two. As I was passing by one of the girls said something to her mother and pointed at me. I didn't really hear well, but then a mother repeated after a child: "Yes, the aunt is beautiful."  I smiled at the baby, thanked her and returned the compliment. (a note: a lot of times with young children they use word aunt instead of Ms./Lady/woman). Perhaps the child only liked my white dress with flower ornament. But since she was looking directly into my eyes I prefer to think that she liked my smile. Her comment made my week. Because I know that only few years back I could not smile to any child and now I can.  It feels good. 

Another kids' story.  The other day I took three kids to the swimming pool. Cousin's daughter is now eight and as I was in my swimming suits she was observing me. And she asked: "Klara, are you pregnant?"   (a note: yes, I should do push-ups more often then twice per year). 
"No, I am not." 
"But don't you want to give birth to a baby?????"
"Well, I am just too old to have a baby now." 
The child remained speechless. For the very first time she heard that there is such a thing as being too old for having a baby. 
The niece who is 9 said nothing. She just listened. 
But the cutest was the girl's little brother, aged 5. He asked with disbelief: "So Klara, you are old???". For him - his granny is old. And his great-grandmother is old.  And I am not :)


  1. Of course you are not old!! (otherwise I would be as well ;) ;) ;) ), and yes, you are beautiful, inside and out :)
    Kisses from France
    (September is almost here...!!!)

    1. thank you (and so are you, inside & out!)
      Can't wait to meet you again!

  2. Your pictures and your stories made me smile! I really love Wolf and I love the little hedgehog friend too. I love that you were reminded that you are beautiful and you are not old. I loved reading this post. :) :) :)

  3. I very much agree with the title, dear Klara! And I love both of your stories. Happy Thursday!

  4. You most definitely aren't old! But you are gorgeous!

    I'm so glad that the little hedgehog was well enough to leave where you put it! I hope this is a good sign that it will heal up and get back to normal!

  5. You are not old at all! And you are beautiful, inside and out.

    The best part of this whole post? This. "Because I know that only few years back I could not smile to any child and now I can. It feels good."

  6. This post made me smile. (And you are NOT old!!) ;) Glad to see you posting again! :)
