Tuesday, September 1, 2015

1st of September

It was the first day of school today.
I am always a bit sad on this day. 
I think about all of our children who were never born.
I think about kids school books that I will never be able to buy.

I know. I should be grateful for the things that I do have in life and not regret the things that were not meant to be. It is easy to write down sentences like that. But it is harder to really feel that way.


  1. It sucks. Sometimes it is hard to be thankful for the good parts of your life when you have these ouch moments. Hugs!

  2. I'm really sorry Klara - I wish I could do something to ease your sadness on this difficult day. I wish you many beautiful days in the future

  3. You describe exactly what I felt yesterday...At work, all the parents arrived later because it was the first day of school...and I felt empty. Hugs

    1. Yes, also at my work all parents arrived later. Yes, feeling empty is the right description. I know I have so much in life to be grateful for. But yesterday I felt like I have nothing.

      Luckily there is always 2nd September one day after.

      Hugs back.

  4. dear Kaymet, BnB, Mali and Sabine,
    thank you for your kind comments.
    It is nice to know I am not alone.

  5. I understand, Klara... this is always a hard time of year for me too, and this year in particular... my Katie would have been starting her final year of high school next Tuesday. So hard to believe!
